OASIX Public cloud

Create and manage your virtual infrastructure, expand or reduce it in real time according to your business needs and only pay for the IT resources you need.

Your cloud infrastructure, flexible and efficient

Access unlimited data center resources on demand:

Servers, storage, connectivity and security

Secure your data in 100% secure environments

High security requirements. ISO 27001, ISO 27017, ISO 27018 certifications and we comply with the National Security Scheme

Automate your processes and simplify your management

Use the automation tools that we incorporate in our management panel

Create and manage your virtual DPC with our SOAX orchestrator

Simplify management with the Drag&Drop graphical interface of our SOAX cloud infrastructure orchestrator.

Monitor and manage your cloud infrastructure

Always in real time through a single web control panel

Get computing and storage resources tailored to your needs

In addition, it adds different Network layer products: firewall, load balancer, VPN, VLAN, etc.In addition, it adds different Network layer products: firewall, load balancer, VPN, VLAN, etc.

These are the advantages

b540a disponible

Up to 99.99% availability

37165 rendimiento

The best in performance

a5684 monitorizacion

Advanced monitoring

0565c red

Powerful SDN network

e7450 multicloud

Multi-cloud orchestration

61a1f nubehibrida

Hybrid cloud

eb62a pagouso


cc021 ubicacioninfo

Your data located in national territory

Our experts will advise you

Public Cloud use cases

Reducing costs and improving efficiency

By moving from investment-intensive on-premise models to pay-per-use cloud models, we are able to control costs

Improving scalability and flexibility

Thanks to its adaptability, we can resize resources whenever needed

Facilitating remote working and collaboration

Enables teams to access resources and applications from any location

Support for globalisation and expansion

Leading cloud service providers have data centres around the world

Leveraging accelerated innovation and agile development

Deploys development and test environments quickly and efficiently, accelerating the application development cycle

Accessing top-level security and complying with regulations

Gracias a las fuertes inversiones que realizan los principales proveedores de cloud pública

Ensuring business continuity and being able to do Disaster Recovery

Thanks to the robust platform on which it is based and the fact that the data is stored in multiple geographic locations

Facilitating data analysis and Big Data

The cloud offers scalable processing power that is essential for companies handling large amounts of data


The advantages are

Soax, our orchestration software that allows you to control, manage and administer all Mono-Cloud and Multi-Cloud services, both public and private, as well as Exo-Cloud and DCIM

How does SOAX work?

Our SOAX orchestration software has an automation engine that allows you to provision, control and monitor all elements of a Virtual Datacenter: Virtual machines, VLANs, Routers, LoadBalancers, auto-scaling groups, firewalls, security groups, storage…
To enable you to enjoy its benefits, you need a CloudBox or EdgeBox and OpenStack distribution, running from one physical server to any number of servers, tailored to your business needs.

Videotutorials for management with SOAX

In our Youtube Channel you can consult all our video tutorials to perform all the day-to-day tasks in cloud administration.

SOAX Cloud Administrator Associate

Partner training: SOAX Administrator Associate course

OASIX offers a programme designed to train administrators in the deployment of virtualised infrastructures through the SOAX orchestrator. Here, you will delve into the world of managing virtual machines, networks, routers, and perform essential operations in a virtual data centre environment. You will learn how to protect your machines with backups, establish site-to-site VPNs, deploy highly available infrastructures and replicate environments effectively. Get ready to acquire essential SOAX administration skills!

Services to complement IaaS

In order to overcome the challenge of making the leap to the cloud we have created SOAX Live Migration, a service through which to migrate from a physical infrastructure to our cloud. A process in which the OASIX technical team provides full support and with which it is possible to migrate all systems in an agile, fast and secure way.

• Real-time background replication of production workloads in the background
• Fully automated migration process
• Agentless migration with no data loss in minutes
• Reduced total cost of private infrastructure by moving to a cost-effective target cloud site
• Isolated infrastructure solution for customer security
– SOAX Live Migration complete REST API to support complex, multi-phase migration strategies
• Easy-to-use solution – all migration components are controlled by a sophisticated control plane

Protect your company’s network from denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks with SOAX Network Protection, and anti-DDoS system capable of safeguarding your infrastructure against different types of attacks by performing on-site mitigations and ensuring best defense practices.


  • Protects and ensures the services of your company
  • Combines cloud-based protection with on-premises backup
  • Allows for quick reaction
  • Effectively scales

BackOS es una potente herramienta de backup que se encuentra integrada de forma nativa con nuestro Orquestador SOAX. BackOS es un software de desarrollo propio que proporciona copias de seguridad, recuperación verificable y movilidad de cargas de trabajo de nuestra cloud, ayudando a garantizar la disponibilidad de los datos. Nuestra solución de respaldo y recuperación simplificada le permite administrar todas sus cargas de trabajo desde una única plataforma. Además, lo hace sobre una plataforma totalmente externa a nuestra infraestructura SOAX.

  • Copia de seguridad y recuperación automatizadas de volúmenes
  • Backup, clonación y replicación
  • Se administra fácilmente a través de nuestra interfaz SOAX
  • Rápida restauración
  • Sin agente, se ejecuta sin necesidad de instalar agentes ni clientes pesados
  • Políticas y planificaciones definidas por cada usuario en función de sus necesidades
  • Solución llave en mano, facilidad de uso y aprendizaje, con una excepcional “user experience”
  • Restaura volúmenes completos en volúmenes nuevos

Este servicio da solución a los usuarios que necesitan un backup más avanzado de los sistemas alojados en nuestra cloud pública. Debido a la demanda existente de una herramienta capaz de realizar copias de seguridad de forma granular y consistente en diferentes aplicaciones y datos, OASIX ha optado por apoyarse en la tecnología del fabricante Commvault, líder en el mercado de soluciones de backup para dar las mayores garantías.

  • Ofrece capas de administración de datos a varias organizaciones
  •  Entorno multitenant separado por controles de acceso basados en roles
  • Un administrador es responsable de todo un tenant/empresa
  •  Un operador de tenant es responsable únicamente de sus propios servidores de aplicaciones
  • Los usuarios se autentican en el Centro de Comando como Administradores de tenants u Operadores de tenants
  • Cada tenant proporciona su propio proveedor de identidad utilizando protocolos estándar de la industria (AD, SAML) para autenticar a sus usuarios
  • Un cluster de MediaAgent y Virtual Server Agent (VSA) realizan operaciones de protección de datos en los sistemas de los tenants
1. Client-server solution
2. Duplication
3.Data Storage
4. Failover in case of disaster
5. The server side also includes different types of storage located in the backup data center where full and incremental replications are stored.


Client for VMware (VMware agent):

In order to synchronize the data of the virtual machines in the customer’s VMWARE infrastructure, it is necessary to install a Linux machine, provided by the OASIX technical team, as an OVA file that is deployed on each ESXi host and replicates machines on these hosts.

Standard VMware tools are used to detect changes and get deltas on the machines (modified block tracking API), which in turn induce the tools on the (idle) operating systems to preserve data consistency within the replications.

Monitoring Dashboard

The service will have a web access to the DR system monitoring dashboard, where the status of all protected VMs can be viewed and monitored. In this panel you will be able to see the following data: DR single control panel.

  • Information screen of the resources used
  • Disaster recovery plans
  • Machine groups
  • Cloud sites
  • Notification page
  • Reporting section with detailed information on system resources

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