Oasix's blog

Carlos García, director of Oasix, offers a webinar at AOTEC on IaaS: the hybrid, managed and pay-per-use cloud

Trasladar la infraestructura de una empresa a modelo de pago por uso

On July 8, Carlos García Blanco, director of Oasix, spoke about the benefits of moving to the infrastructure as a service model in the webinar “IaaS: the hybrid, managed and pay-per-use cloud”; within the webinars organized by AOTEC.

García offered information on how a company’s infrastructure can be transferred to the cloud in a pay-per-use model, optimizing times and costs. As he explained, it is about abstracting from the physical concept of infrastructure to stop buying to start consuming. This use model allows each company to select those resources that it will need, in a live and agile way, without the need to buy “iron” or licenses. In this regard, the use of the Soax tool is essential, the Oasix orchestrator with which, through a single control panel, the hybrid cloud can be managed, regardless of the location of the resources.

In fact, it is still common for many companies to maintain infrastructure on premise at the same time that they begin to operate in the hybrid cloud and move a part of their data assets to the public or private cloud. Mixed models are, today, the most common and these can be easily managed with the orchestrator integrated into the Oasix IaaS solution.

In addition, the federated network of data centers owned by Aire Networks stands out especially in this regard. A map that covers all of Spain and Portugal and that allows companies to have their geolocated data where they are most interested, for example, for regulatory reasons. In addition, this network of connected data centers allows rapid data recovery by replicating the information at different points.

In the IaaS section there is in-depth information about the solution and our sales team will answer any questions through the contact section.


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